Checklist #
Reconnaisance (Information Gathering) #
- Information Gathering (via tool like CFF Explorer) (
- Identify architecture - Two-tier or Three-tier (
- Is the App - Internet or Intranet based (via tool like Wireshark) (
- Identify - Proxy-aware or Proxy-Unaware (
- Identify technologies used on Client-Side
- Identify technologies used on Server-Side
- Identify the Proccess ID (
- Identify application entry points
- Identify user roles
- Identify Network Communication - Ports and Protocols in use (
- Port Scanning (via tool like Nmap) (
- Check for webapp associated with the thick client
- Check whether thick client app redirects to a web application
Injection #
- OS Command Injection
- SQL Injection
- NoSQL Injection
- External XML Entity (XXE)
- XSS (Cross Site Scripting)
- HTML Injection
- XPath Injection
- LDAP Injection
- Host Header Injection
- CSV Injection
- (HTTP) Parameter Pollution
- Server-Side Template Injection (SSTI)
Broken Authentication and Session Management #
- Vulnerable Authentication Flow
- via Response Manipulation (
- via SQL/NoSQL Injection (
- Via Null (Absence of) Password (
- Use of Default Credentials (
- Use of Hardcoded Credentials (
- Via Memory Manipulation (
- Via Registry Manipulation (
- via Response Manipulation (
- Username Enumeration (
- Weak Lock Out Mechanism (
- Flawed Brute-Force Protection (
- Vulnerable Remember Password (
- Weak Password Policy (
- Flawed User Registration Process (
- OAuth/OpenID (
- SSO (
- MFA (
- Session based weaknesses (
Sensitive Data Exposure #
- Improper cryptographic key management (
- Presence of sensitive data in log files (
- Presence of sensitive data in local files (
- Presence of sensitive data in registry (
- Presence of sensitive data in config files (,Hardcoded,-Sensitive%20Information%20In
- Presence of hard-coded sensitive data in source code (,Binary%20Analysis,-After%20we%20have
- Presence of sensitive data in memory (
- Sensitive Data Persists in Memory after Formal Logout
Improper Cryptography Usage #
- Missing encryption (
- Use of Weak cryptographic Keys (
- Weak Cryptography (encryption) algorithm implemented (in Authentication) (
- Use of old/less-secure Hashing algorithms (
- Use of Hash values without Salting (
- Insufficient randomness for cryptographic functions/keys (
Improper Authorization (Broken Access Control) #
- Privilege Escalation (
- Via enabling hidden functionalities
- Via enabling objects (eg. text fields, buttons)
- Via disabling objects (eg. text fields, buttons)
- Via Parameter manipulation
- Weak file/folder permission per user role
- Read/Write access of the registry
- Read/Write access of the configuration files
- Read/Write access of the log files
- Via Memory Manipulation
- Via Registry Manipulation
- Horizontal Privilege Escalation
- Vertical Privilege Escalation
- Analyze setuid/setgid permission (
- Forced Browsing (
- Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR) (
- URL/Open Redirection (
- Path/Directory Traversal (
- Read/Write permission for App Directory or Files
- Tampering cookies/sesssions (
- JWT Based Attacks (
Security Misconfiguration #
- Improper Error Handling (verbose messages)
- Absent/weakly configured security headers (
- Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Misconfiguration (
- Server Banner Information Disclosure (
- HTTP Request Smuggling (
- Check for unquoted service paths (
- Unnecessarily exposed features (ports, services, pages, accounts, or privileges).
- Unicode Normalization (
- Path normalization issues
- Unrestricted File Upload (
Insecure Communication #
- Sensitive data transmitted in plain text (eg. Database Queries) (
- Usage of plaintext communication protocols (eg. FTP, TELNET, HTTP, MQTT, WS) (
- SSL Vulnerabilities (
- Weak SSL/DTLS cipher (
- Weak SSL/DTSL protocol
- SSL cipher expired/about to expire
- Self signed certificate
- Certificate signed with a weak hashing algorithm
- Weak SSL/DTLS cipher (
- Insecure implementation of certificate validation
- HTTPS not enabled
- HTTPS not enforced
- Analyze and/or bypass firewall rules
Poor Code Quality #
- Verify StrongNaming (signing an assembly with a key) (
- Check for missing Code-Signing and Verification checks (for File Integrity) (
- Reverse Engineering (
- Decompile the application
- Rebuild the application
- Patch the application
- Bypass licence/validation check
- Race Condition (
- Lack Of Binary Protections (
- Check for HighEntropyVA (
- Is ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization) enabled (
- Is DEP (Data Execution Prevention) enabled
- Is SafeSEH (Safe Structured Exception Handlers) enabled
- Is CFG (Control Flow Guard) enabled
- Check for HighEntropyVA (
- Lack of Code Obfuscation (
- DLL Injection (
- DLL proxying (
- Buffer Overflow
- Stack Buffer Overflow (
- Heap Buffer Overflow (
- Stack Buffer Overflow (
Using Components with known vulnerabilities #
- Using Component with Known Vulnerabilities (
- Using unmaintained/obsolete libraries
Insufficient logging and monitoring #
- Logs (containing sensitive data) publiclly available (
- Log Injection/Forging (
- Logging Sensitive information (
- Lack of logging important information (
- Side Channel Data Leaks (
Miscellaneous #
- Application Debuggable
- Analyze the Dump File
- Business Logic (Application Specific)
- Bypassing license/extending lifetime of trial software via register manipulation
- Payment Manipulation
- String based analysis
- Server-Side attacks
- Local File Inclusion (LFI)
- Remote File Inclusion (RFI)
- Denial Of Service attack (DOS)